On this DVD, Kirk Kokinos will show you how to perform seven coin miracles, "bare handed." These visual routines may even be performed in a T-Shirt! Contains:
On this DVD, Kirk Kokinos will show you how to perform seven coin miracles, "bare handed." These visual routines may even be performed in a T-Shirt! Contains:
Coins Through Table - the last coin actually falls into the spectator's waiting hands in this reputation making version!
CTP - You'll find out what it stands for...
Space Shuttle Pass - Kirk's brand-new method for switching out coins.
FreakCoinCy - You make a coin disappear completely, then make it reappear just as miraculously.
Kirk's Coin Vanish - It's just this clean: you place your hand over a coin, lift your hand and the coin is gone!
Kirk's Coins Across - The spectators will swear you have super powers!
Angel Coins - One of the most beautiful coin vanishes the audience will never see!
Transformer theme is an elegant, powerful and fully responsive prestashop theme with modern design. Suitable for every type of store.
Transformer theme is an elegant, powerful and fully responsive prestashop theme with modern design. Suitable for every type of store. Transformer theme is fully responsive, it looks stunning on all types of screens and devices.