An odd-looking gold finger is shown to rest inside of a box. “This is a replica of a legendary magician’s finger. It helped him to become extremely rich. Some people believe that the finger still contains some magic power.” The magician places
An odd-looking gold finger is shown to rest inside of a box. “This is a replica of a legendary magician’s finger. It helped him to become extremely rich. Some people believe that the finger still contains some magic power.” The magician places a sheet of blank paper on top of the finger, and places the lid onto the box. When the lid is removed, the blank paper has transformed into a real dollar bill! When the lid is replaced and removed again, the finger comes to life and transforms into a real, live finger. When the box is covered one more time, the bill turns back into paper, and the finger turns back into the gold replica. Your audience will think that this trick is simply about changing the blank paper into real currency, so they will be shocked by the surprising climax. You can choose to present this as a dark mystery, or as a light-hearted joke to provoke laughter.
Tenyo Magic Painting**COLLECTORS**
Moonspinner Tenyo T-145 Collectors
Palos Chinos Tenyo Collectors 85
Pintor Magico Tenyo**Collectors** muy pocas existencias
SIZE SURPRISE 2023 by Tenyo Magic
LUCKY STRINGS 2023 by Tenyo MagicPRE
Transformer theme is an elegant, powerful and fully responsive prestashop theme with modern design. Suitable for every type of store.
Transformer theme is an elegant, powerful and fully responsive prestashop theme with modern design. Suitable for every type of store. Transformer theme is fully responsive, it looks stunning on all types of screens and devices.