Cups and Balls DVD
Magicians argue over whether or not the Cups and Balls is the oldest magic trick on record. What no one argues about is the power of the trick.
For centuries, the Cups and Balls has remained a staple trick of countless professional magicians.
Now with this DVD, you can learn the fundamentals of this startling magical miracle.
DVD technology makes learning easier than ever. Skipping from scene to scene, freezing frames and slow-motion play make it possible.
On this DVD you will learn how to:
-Cause balls to travel from cup to cup
-Perform complete Cups and Balls routines
-Make balls vanish and appear from your hands
-Cause one cup to pass through another -And much, much more!
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DVD* International Collection By Jay Sankey
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DVD* Runaround Sue From Ellis & Webster
¡Bienvenid@s!. Somos Selecciones Mágicas, su tienda de magia. Fundada en 1973, somos una de las tiendas de magia más antiguas de Europa.
Nuestra tienda de magia está situada en Barcelona ciudad, pero como tienda de magia online enviamos nuestros productos a todo el mundo. ¡Nos encanta hacer llegar la magia y el ilusionismo a cualquier rincón!
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