9 Great Sneak Attacks To Daze And Amaze!
Lemonade Racket: A great stand-up piece where you produce a lemon, a full glass of lemonade, and then a bottle of hard lemonade. Biff! Bam! Pow!
Pocket Lint: Pocket lint grows into your missing sock, then out of the sock falls your missing set of keys! What will turn up next? Your ex-girlfriend? A Hole: 4 Aces jump out of a mixed up deck, then the deck rights itself into a new deck order. You like card stuff? We got yer card stuff right here pal!
E.S.P. Your Pants: A sophisticated mental E.S.P. card effect with a juvenile name. This piece is a great way to get multiple spectators involved in the magic.
Fortune 500: A complete routine with borrowed bills that wind up inside of a sealed fortune cookie. Right out of Thom's castle act.
Plus 4 other knock-out routines for close-up and stand up!
Running Time Approximately 1hr 59min
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