Andrew Mayne presents a radical twist on the classic newspaper tear (based on Jim Steinmeyer's Incessant Newspaper) - a completely impromptu and inspectable newspaper tear!
A spectator is asked to sign a totally unprepared newspaper right off the newsstand. The magician then takes the paper and rips it to shreds. He crumples the pieces together and then visually restores the newspaper! The restored newspaper, complete with signature, is handed back to the spectator to inspect and keep as a souvenir.
Tear Down is one of the most practical and visual newspaper tear you'll ever learn. Once you learn it, you'll be able to perform it anytime, anywhere. Zero-preparation, no gimmicks, no duplicates. Just pick up a newspaper and do it!
Running Time Approximately 33min
¡Bienvenid@s!. Somos Selecciones Mágicas, su tienda de magia. Fundada en 1973, somos una de las tiendas de magia más antiguas de Europa.
Nuestra tienda de magia está situada en Barcelona ciudad, pero como tienda de magia online enviamos nuestros productos a todo el mundo. ¡Nos encanta hacer llegar la magia y el ilusionismo a cualquier rincón!
TLF: 932466564 y 932653710